Join in the fun and help out with the CHF display at the Chestermere Country Fair 10am to 4pm on Saturday Sept 9th. Get your hands greasy making delicious fresh butter!
The firetruck will be in the parade 9:30am (thanks Dave Nieckar and other volunteers!) and from 10 to 4 the lobby of the Recreation Centre will be a full display of CHF artifacts and activities.
Help is needed for several tables, and also the butter making and sampling ( VERY popular in 2022!)
If you can help on any of the shifts ( 10-12noon; 12noon-2pm; and 2pm to 4pm including take down) please email or call right away.
Email – or call/text 403 200 8046.
On ***September 19th 2pm*** we are pleased to welcome 70s era ditchrider, Dale Holwegener, to share his stories of his work as a WID ditchrider.
Eileen McElroy will provide some historical context for Chestermere, and Dale will share his knowledge and experience in that role.
See you at the Fair or on September 19th!