2002 – Winterfest 2002 Pancake Breakfast at The Landing 



 L to R Craig Fawcett, Councillor, Ada Rawlins Councillor,   Myron Thompson MP.

Ice Fishing in Chestermere



1966 – Thanks to Chestermerian Jackie Hamilton for gift of this clipping from February 16th 1966 Albertan, a daily newspaper of the day in Calgary. Her friend Gwen was visiting out at Chestermere and took part in some ‘fishing’ antics with the local ice fishermen that day–showing them how it is done. What a fun photo and thanks to Jackie AND Gwen 🙂

Glenbow Photos

Thank you Glenbow for providing these wonderful historical photos of Chestermere Lake

Ed Lowney with Crew
Kay Clarke ( the McKenzie Family boating on Chestermere Lake)
Looking East across Chestermere lake causeway early 1900s You can see Webster's barn under construction it was built 1913
Looking East across Chestermere lake causeway early 1900s You can see Webster's barn under construction it was built 1913
Looking east across Chestermere lake causeway c 1900s You can see the Sunshine Cafe
Looking West across Chestermere Lake causeway early 1900s
c CHF Ed Lowney Sr and friends 1913 on Chestermere Lake
c. Kay Clarke - Agnes McKenzie and her friend skating on Chestermere Lake
© Glenbow Archives
© Glenbow Archives Children at Chestermere Lake c 1913
Chestermere Historical Foundation
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