May 2020 – This competition is now closed. To see the design as approved by CHF Members and find out more about this project please go here. 

WANTED: a designer experienced in designing outdoor public art; preferably from the Chestermere area. If interested please supply photos, details on previous work, and reference. 

PROJECT: Using historical materials ( ½ palate of bricks from first Summer Village office, two cast bronze plaques approx. 45cm x 35 cm, the letters T O W N in burnished steel, three brass numbers 1 5 6 from original building) design an artistic piece of sculpture/public art which is weather proof, safe and could be mounted on a concrete base which, if needed, could be moved. should reflect the history of this municipality from its inception as a Summer Village to a City. A third cast bronze plaque will be commissioned explaining the history & significance of the materials. That piece (size same as other bronze pieces) should be included in the design. Other materials may be used to complete the piece.  Historic materials can be viewed at this link. Or see photo.

LOCATION: installed in a park area near Lift Station #10 off Chestermere Blvd and Rainbow Road ( NE corner) in Chestermere AB – East of Calgary 

FEE: negotiated.

CONSTRUCTION: will be tendered by Chestermere Historical Foundation.

TIME FRAME: installation intended spring 2020.  But, competition open until suitable designer found.


Contact Us link, or FB message



One of the bronze plaques from first Summer Village Office


Bronze plaque from Town of Chestermere office


Burnished steel letters TOWN from present City Hall when it was the Town Hall


Bricks from the original Summer Village Office Building


Address numbers from first Summer Village office at 156 East Chestermere DRive

Chestermere Historical Foundation
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