Based on a creative idea by Janelle Sandboe, Chestermere resident and Streetscape Committee member, the City of Chestermere Streetscape Committee partnered with the Chestermere Historical Foundation to create an outdoor book using historical stories specific to Chestermere. Janelle had seen a similar installation at the Calgary Zoo. The idea behind the book being at the Chestermere Public Library to recognize in 2018 the 10th Anniversary of the Library. As the library is a special place for families, stories are geared in that direction with photos where possible of Chestermere landmarks, events, and people. Read about the 1952 Ford firetruck which always appears in the parades these days ( but seldom went to fires!), the families who tried to raise Pekin ducks on the lake, a teacher who got herself locked out of the schoolhouse the day the inspector arrived, and the Indigenous hammer which was found on Chestermere’s shoreline.
Congratulations to the Chestermere Public Library for continuing to be a wonderful public space. Click here 2019 Historical Library Book Installation at Chestermere Library 2017 pdf for a slide show of the book pages and credits for the photos, ideas and images.