Historic Chestermere Materials to become Public Art

Thanks to donations from the City of Chestermere over the past few years ( 2017-2019), CHF is moving ahead to use these pieces of historic material to create a cairn, or piece of public art to be displayed in a park in Chestermere.  There are two brass plaques, a pile of bricks from the original summer village office, address numbers and the letters TOWN. ( see photos below) 

Following approval in principal by the City of Chestermere 20 Nov 2018 a search was started via this webpage for a design. Also, a Request for Proposal was sent to University of the Arts, Calgary Arts Development, and Alberta Foundation for the Arts, and Alberta Culture with no response. Historical Public Outdoor Art – Call for Artist’s Design

In 2019 a preliminary site was chosen along the retention pond at the NE corner of Rainbow Road and Chestermere Boulevard.  (see map below).  It was decided to contact a designer who had worked on public art in Chestermere previously.

A design titled ” Word of Mouth” was created by Illarion Gallant with assistance from local Pastor, artist and CHF member, Preston Pouteaux.  Using the historic materials, plus an added a time capsule inside the base, there will be brushed aluminum horns which will resonate with the wind, or be used for citizens to speak into. History is passed along with artifacts and stories–many by “Word of Mouth”  the name given by Illarion Gallant to this piece.  CHF will be suggesting that the ‘park’ ( the area is not yet designated as a park)  be named “Retention Park” as it borders Lift Station #10 on which CHF placed historic murals sponsored by EPCOR in 2013.  This opens up the idea for other historic installations for this park such as one of the wooden welcome signs once it becomes available. 

The design and narrative were approved by the CHF Membership in May 2020. ( see design below).

Volunteers working on this project are Dave Nieckar, Jen and Bill Peddlesden, Preston Pouteaux, and Sheryl Taylor. The designer of the piece is Illarion Gallant, of Rustnak Gallant Ltd.  Illarion has designed three other pieces of art for the City of Chestermere, the boat in Millenium Park, the Bullrushes, and Rye Humour. 

A statement about the piece and its historical significance is found here. Narrative for Chestermere Sculpture 2020 including time capsule May 19 FINAL approved at CHF meeting

The City was to hear a presentation by CHF on Tuesday July 14th at 6pm in order to get the next level of approval from the City.  However, with extra work due to COVID 19 the presentation was postponed and held on Tuesday February 16th 2021.

The design “Word of Mouth” was approved unanimously by City Council with kudos to CHF for this initiative from Mayor Chalmers, Councillors and Staff.  Thanks to Rick van Gelder of the Parks Department for input and support on this unique project.  Read the Anchor article by Emily Rogers here. https://www.theanchor.ca/2021/council-approves-public-art-sculpture/

The next step by CHF will be to complete a budget, and apply to AGLC for permission to use gaming proceeds earned in 2020 for the project. 

It was decided in 2021 that an appropriate approach would be to build the base first, and then the upper art piece later.  That application for the base can be read HERE. 667098 Chestermere Historical Foundation 08 Feb 2022

Bricks from the first municipal building built for the Summer Village
A 35 x 45cm brass plaque celebrating the incorporation of the Town of Chestermere.
A 35 x 45 cm brass plaque commemorating the incorporation of the Summer Village of Chestermere
The letters T O W N from the municipal building at 105 Marina Road removed when Chestermere became a city.
The address numbers from the first purpose built Chestermere municipal building on East Chestermere Drive.
Map showing location of Word of Mouth on the peninsula in the retention pond.
Chestermere Historical Foundation
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