The Canadian Pharmacists Association Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding list-serve was started in 2005, ten years after the passing of the CPhA Position Statement on Breastfeeding and Infant Nutrition in 1995. It provided sharing of news, information, upcoming education opportunities, breastfeeding issues, new research on medications in breastmilk, and other topics for pharmacists with a particular interest in the support of breastfeeding families in Canada. In keeping with the World Health Organization International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and Resolutions, the list-serve provided opportunities for pharmacists to share information and discuss the safe and appropriate choice of breastmilk substitutes and ancillary breastfeeding equipment and provided a list of resources (this page), updated regularly, specifically geared for pharmacists.

The list-serve was replaced in the fall of 2020 with a Facebook page Pharmacists and Breastfeeding/Pharmacien et Allaitement – Canada managed by Canadian pharmacists with an interest in breastfeeding. It is open to pharmacists in any specialty area where young families are encountered and opportunities arise to protect, promote and support of breastfeeding. Discussion among members of current issues is encouraged.

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