A favourite thing to do if one lives on the lake, is to take friends out for a look at the cabins and houses from the lakeside point of view. Today, there is much more than the bald prairie as you see in the photo taken of Ed and his friends in 1913. In keeping with that most enjoyable type of trip, The Chestermere Historical Foundation held the first annual guided boat trip around the lake in June of 2016 as part of Seniors Week. It was so popular that these tours were repeated in June of 2017, with appreciation to John Kittler of The Chestermere Landing for providing the launch and driver for both 2016 and 2017, and in 2017 special thanks to Dr. Jed Snatic of Lifepath Wellness for a donation to provide waterproof hand-arounds to show images of the lake history.
More guided historical tours around Chestermere Lake were done August 2nd 2018 as part of Historic Calgary Week, sponsored by Chinook Country Historical Society. (click for events) The Chinook Country Historical Society. Tours were done again with the kind donation of a lovely launch from John Kittler at Dockside Marina 109 East Chestermere Drive, and commentary was done by Jen and Bill Peddlesden. Twenty seven people attended with a bit of rain and wind for the third sailing which had everyone enjoying watching the storm from the Dockside boathouse as the guides completed the program. Otherwise, lovely sunshine and calm waters for the tours.
Photos courtesy Chinook Country Historical Society, Kate Reeves.
Thanks to John Kittler at The Landing and Dockside Marina, there will be two historic guided boat tours on Monday June 3rd starting at 1:30pm with a second at 2:30pm through Chestermere Seniors Week. Preregistration is required through Chestermere Seniors Week and opens at 11:30am at Camp Chestermere 1041 East Chestermere Drive, June 3rd prior to opening and luncheon. Space is limited to 9 guests per trip.
There will also be boat tours organized by Chestermere Seniors Week, no historic guide on tour, provided by Stu Hutchison and Heather and Barry Davies for those just wanting a ride around the lake, leaving approximately the same times. Pre Registration as above required. Space is limited.
The Virtual Historic Boat Tour will be offered on June 3rd if weather is such that the launch cannot be on the lake. That will take place in Camp Chestermere at the above time of 1:30pm. It will be offered once.