Thank you to our donors and supporters. The names of those who have contributed $500 or more to the restoration of the 1952 Chestermere Ford Fire Truck will appear on the truck.
2012 ( photo not available) A happy day for Chestermere Historical Foundation as they receive $4388 in and $3900 in matching funds in 2013 from Darren McCagherty Manager of BNS Chestermere.
Dec 21 2015 Chestermere Historical Foundation is pleased to accept a cheque for $1172 as matching funds from Scotia Bank’s Managers Leighton Milliken and Greg Moffatt. Jen Peddlesden, Manager Leighton Milliken, Manager Dylan Dornstader and Audrey McDonald receive matching funds of $3117.53 from Scotia Bank Feb 2015 for firetruck restoration. September 2016 Leighton Milliken and Greg Moffatt present Kay Clarke and Audrey McDonald with a cheque for $1120.15 for restoration of the 1952 fire truck.
11 February 2015 Jen Peddlesden CHF, Leighton Milliken BNS, Dylan Dornstader BNS and Audrey McDonald CHF with cheque for #3117.53 matching funds presented towards restoration of the 1952 firetruck.
On December 21st 2015 the Chestermere branch of Scotiabank presented a $1172 cheque to the Chestermere Historical Foundation; L to R Leighton Milliken BNS, Audrey McDonald CHF, Lori Nielsen CHF, Jen Peddlesden CHF, Greg Moffat
-20 September 2016 Presentation of cheque for . from Scotia Bank Chestermere to The Chestermere Historical Foundation for $1120.15 for restoration of the fire truck. L to R Leighton Milliken BNS, Kay Clarke CHF, Audrey McDonald CHF, and Greg Moffatt BNSfatt BNS
On Thursday July 13th 2017 BNS Chestermere, Leighton Milliken and Greg Moffat, presented The CHF with a matching funds cheque of $1311.02 Towards further restoration of the 1952 Ford fire truck. Thanks again to BNS for their continued community support of this initiative.
With the help of grant writer Ross Duncan ( City of Chestermere) in January of 2014, CHF was able to apply for matching money to assist with the restoration of the firetruck engine and mechanicals. Carlo LaForge, from AHRF, was pleased that we were taking the time to restore the Ford motor to its original state rather than putting in a different or more easily restored motor. The monies received through AHRF are from Alberta Lotteries. The total received from AHRF of the matching grant of $9420, was $6371.95 in 2015 and $3048.05 in January 2017 for a total of $9419.90.
Thank you to those who have contributed to the restoration of the fire truck with cash donations or donations of time or in kind materials and auction or raffle items.
If you have made a donation and for some reason we have missed you please let us know immediately
Updated Aug 2019