In the summer of 2019 at Pioneer Acres, CHF president Jen Peddlesden noticed a display by Vintage Stove Restoration Inc. of refurbished coal and wood stoves.  In 2012 the Chestermere Historical Foundation was given funds to purchase artifacts relevant to Chestermere’s history.  One of the items purchased was a ‘pot bellied’ stove. At least that is what they thought it was!  After contacting Joanne and Shane, owners of the above business CHF was pleased to find out that what they owned was a Quebec heater, manufactured by the Guelf Stove Company. 

This Quebec heater has been in the Chestermere area for at least 80 years. It was built in Quebec by the Guelf Stove Company around 1925. (The Guelph Stove Company began in 1897 as the Guelph Foundry Company and was incorporated as the Guelph Stove Company in 1904. According to Artefacts Canada, the initial owners were Dr. Reid, Mr. Frank Nunan, Mr. Christian Kloepfer, Mr. Joseph Brown and Professor Doherty. In 1908 the T. Eaton’s Company began to purchase stoves from the Guelph company. It was bought by T. Eaton Co in 1919. The company was located on Paisley, Quebec from 1897 until about 1929)

The ‘pot bellied’ stove in storage at the Clarke farm 2012.





This photo was taken by Kay Clarke where the stove was being stored after purchase in 2012. 

What is the story of this ‘stove’? 

In the early 1900’s Robinson Laycock homesteaded the property now owned by Julie and Dan Meier south of Chestermere NE 26 23 28 W4. Mr. Laycock built a barn and a very small home. His land was later purchased by Pete and Agnes Lester in about 1937 where they were to live when they were married.  They lived in the home for about two years until their new house was built. 

Whether the Lesters purchased the Quebec heater or whether it came with the property from the Laycocks is not known but it heated their home first in the “shack” as they called it and then in the living room of the house until they got propane heat in about 1952. 

The first photo shows the original shack in the front with the barn and granaries to one side. c Kay Clarke

The heater was then relegated to the well house to do duty in keeping the well from freezing as water on a dairy farm was important year round. 

The property was sold in 1972 and the heater along with many other items was moved a mile and a half to the farm where Kay ( nee Lester) and Glen Clarke now live at SE 2 TWP 24 R 28 W4.

In 2012 Chestermere Historical Foundation had a grant to obtain materials that would show the history of Chestermere.  They then purchased the stove.  It has just been restored.  

This stove has been loaned as of December 2019 to Scotiabank Chestermere as an historic installation Dec 11 2019 courtesy of Manager Jose Estevez-Gonzales.  Thank you to The Chestermere Anchor for the story on the stove.  Read the story in the Chestermere Anchor here. 


Quebec heater Dec 2019 after restoration by Vintage Stove Restoration of Didsbury – photo Gail Clarke
Unloading the stove at Scotia Bank Dec 2019 in Chestermere. Photo Jen Peddlesden
The stove installed! L to R Jose Gonzalez-Estevez Manager of Scotiabank Chestermere, Todd McBride Treasurer CHF, Dave Nieckar VP CHF, Kay Clarke Artifact Chair CHF, Jen Peddlesden President CHF. Photo Gail Clarke
Quebec Heater front detail. Photo Gail Clarke

Chestermere Historical Foundation
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